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During this photoshoot I focused on shooting with mirrors and the outcome of the relection shown in them. I used different quotes to portray different emotions of the girls in the images. First of all, I experimented with happy positive emotions by using uplifting and inspirational quotes and words such as "lovely" and "live with the objective of being happy". In general, I increased the light, saturation and warmth of the images below to make them vibrant and optimistic. 

The photograph above is my favourite for many reasons. I like how happy the girl looks in the photo. Her features are soft and colourful which makes her look very friendly and gentle. The reflection in the mirror almost looks imposed as it is highly saturated and sharp compared to the background of the image which is highly exposed and blurred to make sure the focus remains on the girl and not the brightness of the background.

The images above are quite focused on the words on the mirrors. They appear very dark and bold in the photographs. This is added to by the cropping of the photo on the left as it is very thin and does not contain anything more to catch the eye than the text. I increased the saturation of the girl's eye in the photo (above right) to catch your eye (due to its enhanced over-the-top saturation). I wanted this to be the focus of the image as it looks like she is looking directly at you.

Above is my original image. I loved this photo because of the colour created by the flash from the marker on the glass.

First of all I used Leonardo to alter the hue of the image. This made it more colourful and unnatural by bringing about new colours.

I created an alternative version of the image by inverting the colours. I liked my versions of this photograph as they are all so unique.

I inserted the mirror photo previously edited into the background of the photo of the girl. I think this was good in broadening my experimentation, however I did not like the final product for a number of reasons such as the contrast between light and dark of the mirror and background. I think the mirror outline was too highly exposed to then insert a dark background. I also did not like how the background contained a slight pink tint, whereas the mirror image was black and white as it made the image look disjointed. If I was to do this again, I would either increase the colour so it seemed like a very blatant difference, or I would make the entire image black and white.

I purposely made the photograph to the right very noisy and dark by increasing the sharpness, clarity and shadows. This made the mood of the photo match the look on the girl's face. Her eye is completely black, as if she is lonely and depressed, and a dark photo reflects this. The girl's body position, slumped and tired, shows the lack of effort and interest in the 'objective' of being happy as the quote says. This shows the struggle some people face with the pressure put on them to be something they're not (in this case, happy).


Experimentation: Using Words to Convey a Message

The above image is one of my favourites from this photoshoot because I liked how the words stood out on the mirror. It made them look strong and powerful, making the message seem important even if they are just words written on a mirror. During this shoot, I created a wide variety of photos presenting many different moods and emotions such as happy, sad, lonely, depressed and enthusiastic. I liked how the words written on the mirror could affect the mood of the girls, which was clearly shown in the photographs.

Orla Kay Scanlon 2017

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