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My first GCSE art project was type. Below is a brief plan outlining some topics and artists I would like to explore during my project (this has obviously changed and developed throughout).





  • Sean Kernan (beautiful photos including type that I would like to interpret/replicate).


EXPERIMENTATION: Using Words to Convey a Message

  • Reflection in mirrors - how do the words relate to the reflection? How is the effect of words shown in the model's face?


RECORDING: Advertisement through Text and Colour

  • Experimentation shown through selective colouring and obscuring/altering colour. Why does colour appeal so greatly to its audience? How do businesses use colour to attract customers?

  • How can businesses work with photographers to promote their business?


FINALISING AN OUTCOME: Adding Text to Photography

  • How can I relate photographs to type without including type in the photos themselves?

Orla Kay Scanlon 2017

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